New Experience Builder Tutorial Videos: Edit Widget, Infographics, and more.
Discover how to configure the Edit Widget in Experience Builder while understanding the importance of Smart Forms and how you can design them from multiple locations. TUTORIAL: Configure the Edit Widget and Smart Forms Learn how to use Dynamic Content to pull and...
Widget-Driven Design for Storytelling with Experience Builder
Storytelling in GIS involves creating engaging narratives that link spatial data with visuals and meaningful insights. Experience Builder offers a range of widgets to help users design interactive, visually compelling applications for storytelling. In this tutorial,...
How to Customize a Stacked Bar Chart with a Split-By in Experience Builder
Learn more about our Experience Builder courses and upcoming training schedule. In a previous tutorial, we described the steps and options for configuring a modern pie chart in Experience Builder. In this tutorial, we will use Wildfire data from between 1984 and 2016...