Our New Book – Fundamental ArcGIS Pro Skills: Workbook 1

by | Aug 15, 2023

Our new Fundamental ArcGIS Pro Skills: Workbook 1 has been published! If you’re ready to learn the basics of ArcGIS Pro including working with maps and layers, projects, and layouts this is the place to start!

What you’ll learn in this book:

In this book you will learn foundational techniques for using ArcGIS Pro 3.x. The book begins with an overview of the new ArcGIS Pro ribbon-based interface. Part of the learning curve associated with Pro is becoming familiar with how to effectively use the software to accomplish common GIS tasks. By the end of the first chapter the reader will have a strong foundation for navigating the ArcGIS Pro interface.

Next, you’ll learn how to open ArcGIS Pro project files and understand the variety of content types that can be added to a project including maps, layouts, styles, connections to data sources, and more. You’ll also learn how to create 2D maps and add a variety of basemaps and layers. We’ll also cover a wide variety of ways that layers can be symbolized and styled.
Next, the reader will learn how to filter layer and tables using selection sets. You’ll learn a variety of techniques for creating selection sets including manual selectin methods, along with the Select by Attributes and Select by Location tools.
Although the primary visualization context of ArcGSI Pro is a map view, a tabular view of data is often required to support a variety of workflows. You’ll learn how to add and view spatial and non-spatial tables in ArcGIS Pro as well as perform a variety of operations.

ArcGIS Pro is project-based software where content related to a project is stored in a special project file that can then be accessed and shared as needed. The reader will learn how to create new projects using built-in and custom templates.
Finally, we’ll cover how to create presentation quality layouts for your maps and content.Layouts often include one or more maps along with ancillary elements such as legends, north arrows, scale bars, text, charts and graphs, pictures, and more. You’ll learn how to design and create these layouts.

What you will learn from this book

  • How to use the new ribbon-based ArcGIS Pro interface
  • Techniques for creating new maps and adding layers and tables to maps
  • Easily change basemaps using ArcGIS Online
  • Use the style gallery to apply predefined styles to layers
  • Advanced layer symbology techniques
  • Create new projects with custom templates
  • Add layouts and associated content to projects for publication quality maps
  • Techniques for creating selection sets to filter data in layers or tables
  • Manipulate tabular data

More about this book.

Classes on this topic:

Mastering ArcGIS Pro 3: Maps, Layers, Projects, and Layouts



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Eric Pimpler
Eric is the founder and owner of GeoSpatial Training Services (geospatialtraining.com) and has over 25 years of experience implementing and teaching GIS solutions using ESRI, Google Earth/Maps, Open Source technology. Currently Eric focuses on ArcGIS scripting with Python, and the development of custom ArcGIS Server web and mobile applications using JavaScript. Eric is the author of Programming ArcGIS with Python Cookbook - 1st and 2nd Edition, Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript, Spatial Analytics with ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Blueprints. Eric has a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from Texas A&M University and a Master's of Applied Geography degree with a concentration in GIS from Texas State University.

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