Leaving Los Angeles Flow Map
Flow maps, like the one you see below, provide a great way of visualizing the movement of variables between an origin and a destination. 2021 saw a 20% rise in movers for the year compared to 2020, with an estimated 56% of Americans moving in 2021 while just...
Creating Animated Maps with R
Animated maps, like the one you see below, provide a powerful enhancement to show how data evolves over time. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to use R with the ggmap, tidyverse, and gganimate libraries to produce animated maps like you see below. This animated...
Tutorial: Mapping Migration Flows with R
The American Community Survey Migration Flows dataset estimates the number of people that have moved between pairs of places. The estimates are calculated based on where a person lived when surveyed and where they lived one year prior to being surveyed. The data is...