Get a List of Unique Attribute Values using Arcpy
In this article we’ll examine how you can use Python with Arcpy and Numpy to create a list of unique attribute values from a field. While there are certainly other ways to do this either in ArcGIS (Desktop or Pro) or through SQL we’ll focus specifically...
Class News: Introduction to Programming ArcGIS Pro with Python Released
Our new Introduction to Programming ArcGIS Pro with Python class has been released! This class is offered is a variety of formats including classroom, live-online, and self-paced online. Read more about the class. In our Introduction to Programming ArcGIS Pro with...
City of Juneau Parcel Viewer
The City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska contracted with Geospatial Training Services to build a public Parcel Viewer application. Parcel Viewer is a free online application that shows an aerial view of Juneau with each piece of property — the parcels — outlined in...