Note: This is a guest post by Joe Ramsey and Jared Garza, two members of my Spring 2010 “GIS Applications” class at San Antonio College. One of the courses required for an Associate of Applied Science Degree in GIS at San Antonio College is titled “GIS...
As GIS application designers and developers we should all heed the advice in the simple figure below. Resist the temptation to add in that extra widget that is just too cool to leave out! And I’ll resist the temptation to sharp stick ESRI on this issue! Tip...
Looking for mapping APIs to support your web application development efforts? Programmable web has a listing of nearly 100 mapping APIs and over 2000 mapping mashups. All the usual suspects including ESRI, OpenLayers, Google Maps, Bing, and CloudMade are on the list,...
Today we are featuring a guest post from Michele Mattix of Geomattix, LLC. When ESRI announced that ArcPad 8 would have a brand new interface, I figured it would be a mild face-lift of the same cluttered interface. Boy was I mistaken! For those of you who are...
Last time we discussed the high level details of the Read, Identity, Write, and Notification APIs that together comprise what the Dojo Data API. These abstract APIs are implemented by various core implementations called stores that read specific dataset types...