Over the years I have taught hundreds of beginning level Python programmers how to automate their ArcGIS geoprocessing tasks. Needless to say I have seen all sorts of errors. But there are some common errors that I see over and over again. So if you’re a...
This is a guest post from Ann Stark (Twitter @StarkAnn) at The GIS Studio Blog. Ann has put together some really nice posts on the subject of using Python with ArcGIS Desktop. Check out her blog! In repeated automated tasks, I often have to delete a set of data I am...
File handling with Python is a very important topic for GIS programmers. Text files have long been used as an interchange format for exchanging data between systems. They are simple, cross-platform, and easy to process. Comma and tab delimited text files are among...
We had 731 respondents. Here are some of the highlights: 40% of respondents list their job titles as either GIS Analyst or GIS Technician. 16% are GIS Managers/Coordinators/Directors, and 6% GIS Developers/Programmers. 40% of respondents have 10 years of experience...
The ArcPy Mapping module, released with ArcGIS 10 provides a number of capabilities including the management of map documents and layers, printing, exporting, and ArcGIS Server publishing as well as map automation and the creation of PDF map books. In this post you...
Printing and exporting maps is obviously one of the most commonly performed ArcGIS tasks. The new Arcpy.mapping module provides several functions that you can use to automate your routine print and export tasks. In this post we’ll examine Arcpy.mapping functions you...