Editing Data with ArcGIS Pro

8 GISP Credit Hours

Software and Licenses

Students will need to be assigned an ArcGIS Pro 3.x Basic or higher license from their organization prior to class. This should be verified prior to the start of class.

Course Modules
  • Module 1: Editing Workflow and Options
  • Module 2: Creating New Features
  • Module 3: Creating New Features from Existing Features
  • Module 4: Editing Existing Features
  • Module 5: Editing Attributes
  • Module 6: Editing with Topologies

Why do you need or want to edit data in a GIS? For some the answer may seem obvious. But take a quick moment to think about it. One of my favorite questions that normally comes from managers or elected officials is “When will our GIS be done?”, as if a GIS is a house or a car. That is has a specific end or construction date. GIS is ever evolving and changing because the real world features it represents are always changing. Parcels are being merged, divided, bought and sold. New waterlines are being placed in service while others are removed. As long as the world we represent in our GIS is changing, we will need to update our GIS to reflect all those changes.

So what kind of data can we edit in our GIS? Again this may seem self evident but take some time to think that through as well. At a basic level there are two types of data we can edit with GIS, spatial and tabular. The spatial data may be raster or vector. The tabular data maybe attributes associated with points, lines or polygons or stand-alone tables. Then we can get more specialized and look at specific data formats such as shapefiles and geodatabases.

As mentioned before, we live in a world that is changing constantly. New features are being built, old ones are destroyed or retired, existing ones are sold or transformed. All of this needs to be reflected in our GIS. There are various ways you can create new data, such as

  • Digitize the data from existing paper maps or plans
  • Use web resources
  • Develop the data through the use of field data collection
  • Import data from other digital formats such as AutoCAD drawing or excel spreadsheets

You will also find a need to update and edit existing data so that it shows the current condition or state of features. ArcGIS Pro allows you to do this as well.

You can:

  • Add to or remove features from existing data
  • Alter or modify existing feature shapes and locations
  • Update attributes
  • Add new data fields

In this course you will learn how to use ArcGIS Pro to perform spatial and attribute edits.

Live Online Classes

None at this time

In Person Classes


Seattle, WA
King County GIS Center
June 9, 2025


July 30th
Idaho Tax Commission Summer School



This class is also part of our Annual GIS Training License!  One low price for our entire collection of self-paced GIS classes.

Don’t want to purchase online? You can also register for classes using our registration form.

This course made it less intimidating to switch from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro. So glad I attended.

Student, Idaho State Tax Commission

Knowledgeable instructor, well paced class, applicable information covered, hands-on style.

Brandon Clark, Alabama Power

I strongly and highly recommend it

Matt Gubitosa, U.S. EPA

I really enjoyed the Python/ArcGIS course. For me the right balance between detail and overview. Good work!

Pal Herman Sund

I thought the course was very organized. The style of presentation and the lesson format worked well together. It made the information easy to understand. -

Kyle Lockhart, Escambia County, FL

Class was well organized, well paced and I learned a lot.

Aleeta Zeller, Chattanooga RPA

Definitely got me "over the hump" of being able to grasp Python.

Joseph Monti

These courses are great. I am so pressed for time this is the only way I can acquire extra skills these days. Thank you Eric for all your hard work!

Chris Hickin, NYC Fire Dept.

I have attended a number of instructor-led training courses offered by ESRI, which are great in their own right, but the Mastering the ArcGIS Server JavaScript API course gets much more in-depth than they often do. I really liked the recommended reading, they helped expand the terms being covered in lecture to concrete examples that could be related back to my work more directly instead of just having the lecture and exercises alone. I learned a lot andwill recommend this and other GeoSpatial Training courses to the GIS'ers I know. Thanks for putting this course together and offering it.

Jason Warzinik, Boone County, MO

Really good course material. Very relevant subject matter.

Michael Philp, City of Springville, UT

Very informative and knowledgeable course. It help determine which direction I should take my further GIS and web programming skills.

Chris Pollard, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

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