Google Earth Courses
Fundamentals of Google Earth Pro
8 GISP Credit Hours
- Google Earth Fundamentals
- Creating Basic Features (Placemarks, Polylines, Polygons)
- Attaching Information to Features
- Overlay Images on Google Earth
- Creating 3D Views
- Geocoding Addresses
- Demographics, Parcels, Traffic Counts
- Creating Elevation Profiles and Viewsheds
- Importing Shapefiles
- Presentation and Communication
- Sharing Your Data
- Using Historical Imagery and Temporal Data

Google Earth Pro is an excellent tool for creating and distributing geographic data visualizations. In this course you will learn how to use Google Earth to attach vital information to your features including photos, videos, links to PDF files and website, text, and more. You will also learn how to create thematic maps, 3D maps, geocode addresses, create elevation profiles and viewsheds, add your own imagery, use historical imagery of various locations, and much more!
There are many reasons why you may want to visualize your existing GIS data in Google Earth. Perhaps you simply like the convenience of using the built in base maps and aerial photography provided by Google Earth. Other reasons include the ease of use and familiarity your users already have with the product. Perhaps you would like to reach a wider audience for your data products. This can easily be done by placing your Google Earth format files on a publicly accessible web site and allowing Google to include them in search results. Because all your data for a particular Google Earth project can be contained within a single file it is also easy to distribute to many users. We’ll explore each of these reasons in more detail in this section of the course and you’ll learn about a number of tools that can be used to easily migrate your data from ArcGIS to Google Earth. The Arc2Earth extension is an excellent tool for accomplishing this task so we’ll cover this ArcGIS functionality in detail.
Did you know that you can use Google Earth and Google Earth Pro to access current and projected demographic information, tax appraisal information, and traffic counts. Demographic information for the most recent census as well as demographic projections for 2016 are available for a number of variables including income, age, housing, and others. Any of these variables can also be thematically mapped with Google Earth Pro. Tax appraisal information from local officials can easily be obtained for millions of parcels across the U.S. You can also get current and historical traffic count information for millions of street intersections in the U.S.
Google Earth and Google Earth Pro can also be used to easily add all your data to a map and attach vital information including photos, videos, links to external PDF files and presentations, and much more. It’s also very easy to keep all your property information up to date so that clients never see stale information. Your data can be kept up to date at all times.
Google Earth can also be used to obtain historical imagery of a site, obtain terrain information including viewsheds and elevation profiles, create land parcels, obtain measurement information, and much more.
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Our self-paced classes are delivered through our online training platform. You will be emailed instructions for creating a login and activating your course. All lectures are pre-recorded so you can progress through the course at your own pace. The same applies to the exercise. The course does not have an expiration date.
Don’t want to purchase online? You can also register for classes using our registration form.
This course made it less intimidating to switch from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro. So glad I attended.
Student, Idaho State Tax Commission
Knowledgeable instructor, well paced class, applicable information covered, hands-on style.
Brandon Clark, Alabama Power
I strongly and highly recommend it
Matt Gubitosa, U.S. EPA
I really enjoyed the Python/ArcGIS course. For me the right balance between detail and overview. Good work!
Pal Herman Sund
I thought the course was very organized. The style of presentation and the lesson format worked well together. It made the information easy to understand. -
Kyle Lockhart, Escambia County, FL
Class was well organized, well paced and I learned a lot.
Aleeta Zeller, Chattanooga RPA
Definitely got me "over the hump" of being able to grasp Python.
Joseph Monti
These courses are great. I am so pressed for time this is the only way I can acquire extra skills these days. Thank you Eric for all your hard work!
Chris Hickin, NYC Fire Dept.
I have attended a number of instructor-led training courses offered by ESRI, which are great in their own right, but the Mastering the ArcGIS Server JavaScript API course gets much more in-depth than they often do. I really liked the recommended reading, they helped expand the terms being covered in lecture to concrete examples that could be related back to my work more directly instead of just having the lecture and exercises alone. I learned a lot andwill recommend this and other GeoSpatial Training courses to the GIS'ers I know. Thanks for putting this course together and offering it.
Jason Warzinik, Boone County, MO
Really good course material. Very relevant subject matter.
Michael Philp, City of Springville, UT
Very informative and knowledgeable course. It help determine which direction I should take my further GIS and web programming skills.
Chris Pollard, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission